According to a survey by the Global Education Monitor 2024, education in Brazil is far from being considered satisfactory by the majority of the population. This is because teacher training in the country faces challenges, such as the disconnect between the theory learned in the classroom and the reality in schools. This dissonance can lead to frustration and make it difficult for new professionals to adapt to the school routine.
To promote sustainable and innovative solutions in view of the problems that occur in everyday education, the Minas Gerais Adventist College (Fadminas) launched the Innovation Hub Educacional, a startup managed by pedagogues in training who seek to develop skills in critical analysis, problem-solving, and evidence-based decision-making.
Daniela Reis, the coordinator of the institution's Pedagogy course and creator of the startup, education is dynamic and demands constant updating and adaptation, both from educators and school administrators. "We need to think of strategies that promote ongoing teacher training, collaborative school management, and the encouragement of student leadership," she pointed out.
Currently, Hub has served public and private schools throughout the Southeast region and has provided solutions according to each school unit's needs.
Fadminas' First Congress
In Lavras, the city where Fadminas is situated, the startup hosted its first Congress on Education, Pedagogical Innovations, and Contemporaneity. The event was attended by the institution's directors as well as Jussara Menicucci, the current mayor of the city. She expressed her happiness at seeing this initiative benefiting the Lavras community. “It is impressive to see a group of students involved in a startup focused on addressing issues that arise at school, collaborating with both teachers and students. Initiatives like this are truly innovative,” Menicucci remarked.

Students, teachers, and administrators from Lavras attended the event. In addition to lectures, workshops, mini-courses, and discussion groups, participants also had the opportunity to present scientific papers, visit stands, and learn about current trends in education, innovative methodologies, and tools to enrich students' classroom experiences.

Student Elisa Nunez is in her fourth semester of Pedagogy and works as a manager at Hub. According to her, “It is a very good experience, with a lot of responsibility and satisfaction. Our team is made up of students in their second and fourth semesters of Pedagogy, and it is important to see the unity and commitment of each one of them in their roles.” Within the startup, management also takes place in an innovative way with rotating roles, giving members the opportunity to experience new things each semester that begins.
The original article was published on the South American Division Portuguese website.